Welcome to our new website!

Welcome to our new website!

Long time fans might notice a few changes…

Have you ever worked so hard for something, and had to wait so long for it, you weren’t sure if your efforts would ever pay off? It can be hard to keep your eyes on the finish line, but it’s well worth doing so. We’ve been investing countless hours and resources into improving our online presence so that you, our amazing customers, have an even better shopping experience with us.

Well today’s the day! We’re delighted to announce the launch of our new website!

It’s been a year of firsts, of brand news, of exciting new products and opportunities. Earlier this year, we opened our gift shop in Fareham, surrounded by our friends and family. It was a massive milestone for our business and we were so proud to be able to realise this dream.

But we also already had our sights set on another milestone: revamping our online shop and website. We always knew that we wanted to do more, to offer more, than our website allowed. Things like subscription boxes and bespoke build-a-box options, which we just knew our customers would love.

And so began our hunt for a web development company that could help us realise our dreams. We worked with several different contenders, but ran into frustratingly frequent brick walls. Missed deadlines and broken promises piled up as our hopes of quickly following on from our brick and mortar success faded.

Resilience is a key component of being a successful entrepreneur. You have to be able to weather the storm of market fluctuations, unforeseeable events like the pandemic, and logistics snags. We’ve learned to spin disappointments into opportunities, and see the silver lining in every storm cloud.

Despite this crucial skill set, it’s easy to get down in the dumps when faced with repeated setbacks. As the calendar progressed, and we still didn’t have the website of our dreams, we became more determined than ever. We just knew that the website had to be ready for the run up to Christmas.

And now, thanks to our persistence and unwillingness to settle for less, we found a company we’ve delighted in working with and together we’ve made something truly remarkable. We invite you to have a look around and explore all the exciting new functionality we’ve implemented. Having worked long and hard on this, we’re certain you’ll just love how much easier it is to find and order exactly what you want!

We know there will always be teething issues when it comes to new things. So we’re eager to hear your feedback so we can continue improving your visit on our website. Use our contact form to tell us about your experience, things you’d like to see in the future, and what works for you and what doesn’t.

Thank you so much for your ongoing support and patience; we look forward to using our snazzy new website to continue serving you for many years to come!